
Parametric Line Art

 Parametric mathematic always fascinates me. This time I tried to investigate a form that the surface is continuous from one side to another using 2 computer softwares, Rhino and Grasshopper. The result is stunning and I try to create different effects of the same object by using different sets of line weights to emphasise on the transition of space.


Random Night in Shanghai

Was wandering around Shanghai at a random night. Bringing out my camera because I rarely take night portraits and this is a good chance for me to record down the sceneries that we encounter every day. Plus, to me the night views are always better than the day views because the smog that is forever there covering the whole Shanghai. Sigh, what a pity.


Confetti into the Woods

With the purchase of a new lens I have decided to learn more about the portrait shooting skills. I am always fond of confetti, so I'm going to use it as my first theme. Basically I made a huge confetti boat out of serene wrap covered with confetti paper. It took me over a week to make it and I am quite happy with the result :) Wish I could be better for the next time thooo.
For this project I kind want to build a joyful atmosphere as a cheerful introduction to my up-coming projects. I wish my life could be as blossoming as confetti so this series is kinda expressing my aspiration towards my future.