
Construction Site

I always love taking photos with my iphone and this year I wish I can take my skills to the next level. This time I wish I can master DSLR so I will be exploring Hong Kong a lot and do more shots with this girl!

These photos are taken in a abandoned construction site Kwun Tong, pretty badass place and I like it.


Parametric Line Art

 Parametric mathematic always fascinates me. This time I tried to investigate a form that the surface is continuous from one side to another using 2 computer softwares, Rhino and Grasshopper. The result is stunning and I try to create different effects of the same object by using different sets of line weights to emphasise on the transition of space.


Random Night in Shanghai

Was wandering around Shanghai at a random night. Bringing out my camera because I rarely take night portraits and this is a good chance for me to record down the sceneries that we encounter every day. Plus, to me the night views are always better than the day views because the smog that is forever there covering the whole Shanghai. Sigh, what a pity.


Confetti into the Woods

With the purchase of a new lens I have decided to learn more about the portrait shooting skills. I am always fond of confetti, so I'm going to use it as my first theme. Basically I made a huge confetti boat out of serene wrap covered with confetti paper. It took me over a week to make it and I am quite happy with the result :) Wish I could be better for the next time thooo.
For this project I kind want to build a joyful atmosphere as a cheerful introduction to my up-coming projects. I wish my life could be as blossoming as confetti so this series is kinda expressing my aspiration towards my future. 


Red Dates Tea the Chinese Beauty Tea

In China. red dates are famous of having rich nutrient values. Red dates have high Vitamin A, Vitamin C and iron, which can stimulate the production of white blood cells. These can help to brighten up my skin colour and warm up my body a lot so I always make it for myself.

(1 person per serving)

Red dates (semi-dried):  5-8 
Dried longan:                 3-4
Wolf-berries:                  a handful
Water:                            800 ml (adjustable)
Sugar:                            5g (optional)

The ingredients above is just for reference. There is not strict amount for every single ingredient, the ratio of longans to red dates to wolf-berries should be around 1:2:3. You can add a bit sugar for the taste but I do not add it normally. That is also not a strict amount for how much water is needed. You can also reuse the ingredients just like how you reuse a teabag.

First thing first rinse all the ingredients and then cut open the red dates into half. Remove the seeds. Put them into some water and heat it up to boil to clean it throughly. Remove the water and add in new water. Heat up to boil and turn it into low heat. Put on a lid, wait for around 10 minutes and then fresh red dates tea is ready to drink.


Farewell Cookies

This year of uni is going to be very special to me because my studio class is going to be split into two groups. The first group going to the Shanghai base in semester one and the second half will go in semester two, which means in this whole year I am not see my other half except holidays :( This is really sad. When sending them off I have decided to make them cookies as a farewell gift. 

The idea of this "bye" cookie in pixelated font is inspired by a youtuber Rosanna Pansino, who made the tetris cookies with fun factory. I am going to use the same technique to make it. 
Butter:                     250g
Granulated sugar:   170g
All purpose flour:   500g
Egg:                        1
Water:                     5ml
Salt:                         a pinch 
Vanilla Extract:       2 teaspoon 
Chocolate powder:  reasonable amount

1. Whisk in the sugar into the softened butter until creamy. Then add the rest of the wet ingredients and mix them well.
2. Shift in the flour (with salt in it) and mix gently with a spatular. 
3. Cut 1/3 of the cookie dough and shift in the coco powder till the desirable colour comes out. Mix them well.
4. Put the cookie dough into the freezer for at least 2 hours.
3. Take the cookie doughs out, take out bit by bit and use the fun factory (with the rectangle setting) to make the long squared strips. 
4. Stack the strips on top of each other to create the large cookie dough block (do the math beforehand!) and pop it into the freezer to harden it.
5. Take out the cookie dough block and use a sharp knife to slice out the cookies evenly. They should be ready to bake right away. 


DIY Make up pack (for travel, everyday bag or events)

For me, my main skin problem is dark circles and oily skin. Because of this skin type, my eye make up ALWAYS smudge after just a few hours especially when I am going out for an event (you know, you can get very sweaty when you go out). Therefore, whenever I go out i will bring a tiny make up bag so I can always retouch my face.

First thing first, my number 1 must have is make up remover to remove my smudged eye make up and concealer to hide my dark circles. I cut a sponge into half, soaked the first half into make up remover and the second half into concealer. After that, place them in a tiny container individually and they are ready to go. 
I always buy the smallest size of eye liner and lipstick so they will not take up a lot of space. Sometimes I use the lipstick as my cheek colour as well if the lipstick of choice is a natural colour. However, if it's not, I have to have something to colour my cheek. To decrease the space occupied by my cheek powder, I took out the cheek powder palette from its original container and glued it onto a very shallow slide-out box. I used a eyelash box but any other similar box will be fine like chocolate box etc.
I think this will save up a lot of space so that my clutch will not bloat when I put so much stuff in it. Have fun going out bye :)


Nut-hugging Bear Cookies

Long ago I remember that I saw a post from 9gag about really cute bear hugging nut cookies and I want to try resembling what they did cause they are so freaking cute. 
Things you need is super simple and handy, you may find them all in your kitchen. The key things are the bear cookie mould and something eatable for the bear to hug.

All purpose flour: 180g 
Baking Powder:    1/4 tsp
Salt:                       Just a pinch 
Butter:                   90g
Sugar:                   100g
Egg:                       1
Vanilla Extract:     1/2 tsp

1. Mix the butter with sugar, blend with a blender until they are completely incorporated. 
2. Mix in the egg and vanilla extract 
3. Shift in the flour, baking powder and salt, mix them well
4. Put the dough into the freezer for about half an hour so it is going to be easier to work with when moulding.
5. Dust the working place with flour and the cookie dough. Use a rolling stick and roll out the cookie dough evenly. 
6. Use the cookie cutter to cut out the shapes. 
7. Put a nut in the heart of the bear, lift the bear's hands onto the nut like it is hugging it. 
8. Use a toothpick and poke three holes to create the bear's face.
9. Pop them into the preheated oven and bake at 200ºC for 10-15 minutes or until it is golden brown on the edge.