
DIY Moleskine Cover

I always have to have a sketchbook hanging around me so I can drop down all the things that just came into my mind. It is kind of like a diary to me and it is quite personal to me. Therefore for my every new sketchbook I will try to customise it with my current favourite style. Each book cover really represents my current stage. I used to have a sketchbook with loads of spikes because I was in love with Marilyn Manson, I called it my "dark period".

This year I am really into the floral prints (and red colour as always). One day I went across a store with this really amazing floral print parchment-ish paper and I knew it right away that it will be my next sketchbook cover. I love the the arrangement of the pattern and I love the choice of colour that really matches my black cover. 

The making of it is super simple. However, please do keep in mind that if the kind of wrapping sheet that you use is too thin you have to add a layer of white colour underneath it or else the pattern will blend in a bit with the book cover and the pattern will not be as stand-out (unless this is what you are looking for).

1. Decide the portion of coverage and mark it with a pen.
2. Use a masking tape or any gentle tape (so you won't damage the book cover when you take it off)  to stick it right outside of the line you just mark.
3. (Optional) Apply a layer of white acrylic with a sponge or anything, just make sure the layer is smooth.
4. Apply a layer of glue, again make sure the layer is smooth
5. Let it dry out a little bit so when the covering sheet is stick to it it won't shrink as much due to moisture.
6. Turn the cover over, apply glue again and fold in the covering paper. Fold in bit by bit for round edges, it may form a thick edge but it will give extra protect to the corners.
7. (Optional) If you want a extra glow onto the book cover you can add a layer of glue on top.

